Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ba-Da-Bing Sentences

For a school writing assignment Kevin's class wrote what his teacher called "Ba-Da-Bing Sentences."  They were all shown a picture for each sentence.  Then they were told to put themselves into the picture and write about where they were, what they saw and what they thought.  I was really impressed when I read what Kevin had written.  Writing doesn't come as easily for him as it does for Kelly.  So when I found the paper, folded up  and shoved into his pants pocket without his name on it, but definitely his handwriting I had to ask him if he had written them or copied them from a story he had read, etc.  He assured me that he had come up with them all on his own.  So, for your reading pleasure, here are Kevin's "Ba-Da-Bing Sentences" (with original punctuation):

"I walked down the road by the Pawn Shop and looked for the bus, Oh no I missed it again, I thought."

"I walked down the cobble stone path exhausted and fell to the ground using the wall for support, my face covered in ash marks, I can't believe I survived that explosion, I thought."

"I climbed on the counter & walked to the cabinet with the ice cream in it, I stared at it triumphantly & reached for the tin container & ate it, mmmm chocolate I thought as I placed the container on my head."

O.k., we all know that they are run on sentences, but don't they make you want to know what the picture looked like, or find out more about the subject of the sentences?  I wish I had something he had written as a "before".  You'll just have to take my word for it--he has come a long way with his writing this year.

Good Job Kevin!  We are so proud of you!


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Ok. I just love that phrase "bada-bing". It just makes me laugh.

kathy reese said...

It's a peek into how he thinks! He's brilliant, writing just isn't what he's interested in. I love it!

Nick said...

I love it! What a creative boy and great use of vocab. We had V-day dinner by candlelight too. They thought it was so cool. Poor Kevin with his big gash. :( But congratulations on his Bear. JP just earned his Wolf and it's such a fun thing to see how pleased they are with themselves.

Delia said...

I am really impressed. I still write in run on sentences so they didn't bother me so much! :)

pianogal said...

These are great!