Thursday, February 24, 2011

Family Happenings--Reader's Digest Version

Kevin earned his Bear Award, Religious Knot, & Another Gold Arrow Point.  Yes he already has one, I just haven't sewn it on his shirt yet.  I'll get it done eventually--probably by the time he's all done with cub scouts.  Oh well!

Justin came with me to the High School "Starry Night" Dance.  We couldn't help but have flashbacks to our own high school dances.  We could even find kids there that reminded us of people we went to high school with.  I really enjoyed introducing Justin to the people that I work with.  No we didn't dance--we were focused on the kids, but had a great time anytime!

Happy Valentines Day!  Our kids thought dinner by candle light was the coolest thing ever.  I was very pleased with the fact that even though I had a busy work day I was able to put together a "fancy" dinner, (read--one that you actually had to put together and cook not just heat up).  We even had our favorite Chocolate Cloud Cake for dessert with whipped cream and raspberries-Yum! 

This is kind of a random picture where Kate moved while I was taking it, but I love  the "ghost" effect it made so I thought I would post it too.

Kelly made the Honor Roll for her first semester, (isn't she cute!)  We were so proud of her considering that she puts in around 5 hours a week outside of regular school hours for drama.  But the real reason why I am so proud of her is that at one point her progress report showed not one, but two failing grades.  She worked really hard to find/complete missing assignments and attended early morning tutoring to bring all of her grades up and keep them there.  Congratulations Kelly!

Kelly also attended a young woman activity last night where she learned how to decorate cupcakes.  We have an extremely talented woman that we attend church with who prepared the frostings and taught the girls how to make them.  I think my favorites are the ones that look like mashed potatoes and peas & carrots.  Great job Kelly! 

One more thing that I don't have pictures of:

Kevin had his first urgent care visit last weekend.  He was practicing parkour at the park, trying to jump from the sidewalk up onto a brick wall with both feet at the same time.  The wall was too high and Kevin hit his shin against the sharp edge of the wall.  It left a nice gash that unfortunately couldn't be stitched back together.  Once it was all cleaned up there just wasn't any skin to stitch!  Kevin was thrilled not to get stitches and decided that the scar will look really cool.  I guess I'm relieved that it wasn't as bad as it could have been.


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Awww. I love the candlelight dinner. And look at you and Justin! Woohoo, hot looking couple ;)

Isn't it nice to reminisce with our hubbys about the good ole days of youth HA!

Good seeing you at the middle school.
Have a great weekend!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Awww. I love the candlelight dinner. And look at you and Justin! Woohoo, hot looking couple ;)

Isn't it nice to reminisce with our hubbys about the good ole days of youth HA!

Good seeing you at the middle school.
Have a great weekend!

kathy reese said...

Loved the update and pics. Sorry Kevin got hurt :(

Love you all.

Robyn said...

Glad to see you are back on ... the cupcakes look AWESOME. They did a good job.

The candle light dinner looks like a lot of fun.

Love all the pictures.

Delia said...

Scary about his leg! Did they just put that sealant powder stuff on it? Your dinner looks so fun. I really want to know what that chocolate cloud cake is!

We are so proud of Kelly too. Good job getting your grades up!