Thursday, February 10, 2011

A couple of funny things

It's late and I'm tired, but before we begin another whirlwind of a weekend I wanted to take a moment to record a couple of funny things that I managed to catch and remember (which is something short of a miracle these days).

When I was putting Kate to bed the other night she said something like, "Mom, I just love my two top front teeth!  They are my favorite!"  This seems funny to me because it's so random and who knew you could have favorite teeth?!

Then the other night as I was rotating laundry before starting dinner Kevin said something like, "Mom, I love all the technology in the whole world, but I love you more."  And no--he has not seen "Napolean Dynamite".  He just thought about that and came up with it all on his own to make sure that I knew just how much he loved me.  So sweet and still makes me giggle.

Well that's all.  Have a great (and hopefully warm) weekend!


Delia said...

That was so sweet! Count on Kevin to be so kind.

And count on Kate to be so adorably funny. :) Thanks for sharing those fun stories.

kathy reese said...

I love those two top front teeth too!

I think I have to come in May and get my hug bank filled up again.

Mom Teresa said...

Happy Valentines Day to my Texas Randalls!! I don't love technology like Kevin does but I do love all of you!

Jared said...


Thank Kevin for he really got me thinking of a funny valentines day poem I posted on our blog for Delia. He is so quite witty. We still love using his joke about the cemetery every time we pass, someone will say his line, "man people are just dying to get in there."