Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

You know your day is going to be good when you start it with 1 and half rice crispy treats, (it's cereal right), and a piece of bread with peanut butter.  :)

And now a little something funny.

As a mother of 1 boy and 3 girls sometimes I wonder/worry if Kevin is not getting the full childhood experience that others with older brothers get--you know the rough and tumble picking on, well-rounded boy experience.  Not that I don't want Kevin to be understanding, I just want to make sure that he is all boy.  Then I overheard this little ditty last night and my worries were laid to rest.

If you don't know, Kevin and Kelly share a room, not ideal, but we don't have any other option right now.  So Kevin gets out of the shower and is getting ready for bed and Kelly is finishing up her homework and heading to bed soon.  I hear Kevin say, "Kelly, come see this."  Kelly walks upstairs and opens the door of their room and I hear Kevin say, "There's a full moon tonight!"  Kelly exclaims in only a way that a teenage girl can, "Oh my gosh!  Kevin just mooned me!"  Thinking that I would promptly scold him, because how dare he!

On the contrary, I just laughed and laughed and felt overcome with relief that Kevin truly is all boy!  Thank goodness!  Of course I told him that he probably shouldn't do that again, but it was so funny to me.  I'm still laughing about it today.

Hopefully it made you giggle a little because life is too short without a little laughter now and then--especially when all you have time for is rice crispy treats for breakfast.


Nick said...

That is definitely a breakfast of champions! I am also laughing about the "moon." Don't worry about missing out on the total boy experience. My kids can be so gross. Bubba spit on the carpet once without even thinking about it. Today Peanut said, "I wanna see it," when I was changing Coconut's poopy diaper! Hopefully that makes you laugh in return. :)

Justin said...

He is definitely a chip off the old block! This is one of those proud parenting moments where you realize you are raising your kids right! Tear, Tear...

Delia said...

Ha ha...that was a great story! I am now craving rice krispy treats! Dang you!

kathy reese said...

Maybe we should teach him the Reese tradition of half-butt smiles!?

Loved it!