Monday, March 28, 2011

Another "Austin" Adventure, Sorry lot's of pictures

We didn't really make it all the way into Austin,  more like Round Rock, just north of Austin.  We drove down Friday night, the first weekend of spring break.  These pictures of the sunset don't really do it justice.  It was beautiful!

Thanks to Justin, we cashed in some hotel points and got 2 adjoining rooms for free!  After surveying the "hide-a-bed" where we had planned to put Kenzie, we decided that she'd be better off sleeping in this deep armchair and ottoman bed that we made up.  The rooms really weren't too bad and we were glad for the fun overnight adventure.

Of course we stopped at our favorite Round Rock Donuts!  That was a major priority on our list.  Just to show you how good these are, check out the drive-thru line in the next picture:

And there were still a good 8+ cars that you don't see!  Needless to say, we parked across the street and Kenzie and I happily waited in the car. 

After taking the kids to the Round Rock Outlet Mall, we headed onto the Longhorn Caverns State Park.  After asking about the cavern tour we found out that it was 1 1/2 hours long and would cost us over $60!  (Note to self-make sure to thoroughly research outings before driving all the way there). :)  Obviously with a 2 year old in tow we decided to enjoy the free 1 1/2+ mile hiking trail.

Can anyone else tell that Kate has her shirt on backwards?  I admit it, that's the main reason why I took this picture.  She does it all the time and when I tell her that her shirt is on backwards she just shrugs her shoulders and says, "I don't care."  Don't worry, she's high maintenance about many other things. :)

Justin gets so nervous about how his smile will turn out in a picture, his pictures usually turn out like this.  I told him that he just needs to show that he really is happy to stand next to me for a picture.  Sorry honey, I do know that you love it even if it doesn't show!

Moth or butterfly?  I wasn't sure, but it was beautiful to watch fly around and then stay so still for some great pictures.

It was pretty warm and Kenzie did great walking almost the entire way.

This building/home was built in the 1930's and was one of the cool things we came across on the hike.

I didn't want to use this picture in the side bar because she wasn't really looking at the camera-but I love this picture so I thought I'd post it here.

I have no idea what these purple trees are, but I love seeing them in bloom.  It truly was a gorgeous day!

There was an old, brick, observation tower from the 1930's as well, with a very narrow spiral staircase that when you came out on top, this was one of the views.  Yes, I believe that the castle is someone's residence.  Pretty amazing isn't it?

We finished up our day with an early dinner here.  Sadly, under new management it was kind of disappointing, but I guess you don't know if you don't try.  Needless to say, we won't eat there again.

This picture is out of order because I decided to add it at the last minute.  This was after we climbed down from the observation tower.  I loved the archway and like how this picture turned out. 

All in all, it was a wonderful trip!  I'm so grateful that we were able to go as a family.  We definitely made some memories and look forward to more adventure trips in the future.


Delia said...

What a fun trip and beautiful pictures. The butterfly ones are especially cool!

Robyn said...

What an awesome way to start off your spring break! I love that you all are always up for an adventure!

Love all the pictures.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

That looks like a cool place to visit.
I love coming across old homes and buildings. And I want a donut :(

Justin said...

I am laughing so hard, I almost can"t type this post! Your explaination of my wierd photogenity is tooooo funny!
THANK YOU for the new posts and pics! I am happy to be standing next to sucha Hottie! You are de #1!

Nick said...

Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe how long it's already been. We'll be 13 already in a couple of months. I love the new sidebar picts. And that looks like such a fun trip. My mom always does the same thing in pictures with her smile! Too funny. That drive-thru makes me think of In n Out.