Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where did March go?

There really are pictures in this post!  I can't figure out why it's turning out this way-any suggestions?  Anyway, if you click on the little squares where the pictures should be they will come up. 

I can't believe that March is almost over!  I pretty much burn the candle at both ends these days and have meant to post more often, but never really had the chance.  We've had a busy and enjoyable month so far and love that spring is in the air!

We actually celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary this month.  Celebrate is used rather loosely here, the day of our anniversary was so busy!  It was wonderful that Justin was in town that week-especially since both the elementary and middle schools had their open houses, along with Jubilee practice, YW, scouts, 80's day and another drama performance for Kelly.  So, no surprise that we really didn't do anything special.  Our big excitement for the day was ordering pizza from Papa Murphy's and having dinner by candlelight-which I didn't even get to eat at the same time with everyone because I was on play duty for Kelly.  Oh well.  Really, it's fine.  Actually--Justin did surprise me with some diamond earrings!  They're small round ones and I love them.  I'll have to get a picture with them sometime.--Thank you sweetheart!  More lovey stuff later.  For now here are some pictures of 80's day and Kelly in her "costume" for drama.

They had both gotten new tennis shoes the night before-so no matter what they were going to where them.  The outfits are a little stretch, but that's what happens when you're putting things together at the last minute because you don't have any other option.  I had a blast styling Kate's hair--it's amazing how I remembered exactly how to do the bangs like it was yesterday.  It made me smile and laugh.  That is the only time Kevin will ever wear a polo shirt-if it's to dress up.  If I were to suggest it on any other day he adamantly refuses to wear it-go figure!

Kelly as "Jillian" a sassy clothing boutique owner.  Thank goodness for Plato's Closet!  Thats where we found the skinny jeans and accessories.  Except for the belt-we found that on sale at Charming Charlies for $2!  She loved this part and these clothes--bonus that she can actually wear them to school!  I love that!

Still feeling a little sassy! :)

And now a little letter.

Dear Justin,

 Thank you so much for loving me all these years.  You never tire of me, well if you do, you don't show it.  You make me laugh and bring fun and happiness to my life.  We've had some ups and downs and I am stronger because you helped me through.  I'm grateful that you have chosen to spend eternity with me.  I am blessed to be your wife.  Happy Anniversary!  I love you!



Delia said...

I love Kate's bangs! Kevin looks so grown, and Kelly is so cute! I love her outfit and her choice of 'character!' Your kids are so much fun.

Happy Anniversary too!

And about the pictures...

Sometimes when you load pictures they load as little squares. To fix this, I have saved the post. Gotten out of the window and then resigned in to try again. This usually works. Sometimes you need to load the pictures again. You can just delete the old picture that didn't load properly in picasa web albums later. Or sometimes I just have to redo my post. Hope that helps! Blogger can be temperamental sometimes.

Robyn said...

Happy Anniversary Janet and Justin! So glad to see your post. Have been wondering what you all have been up to.

Love all the pictures, especially your new ones on the sidebar. Oh, how much they have grown up.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Oh my gosh Kelly looks straight out of a John Hughes movie lol
Great job. Me, bad mom that I am, completely forgot about 80's day and Aaron didn't dress up :(
Not that he complained, but it would've been cute.
I was wondering where you were?
And Happy Anniversary you two :)
Go out and have some fun. Seriously let me know and drop off your kids on a Saturday night. We'll watch them.