Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools

As I drove into the garage this afternoon, Kate came into the garage to show me what Kevin did to her.  She said, "Kevin drew this on me!  With a sharpie!"  I kept waiting for the punch line, "April Fools!" I kept asking both of them, "Really?!" and "Seriously?!" 

Kate just said, "Yes!  He drew these things like in 'Tangled' (sideburns), a mustache, gotee, and glasses!"

I'm still waiting for both of them to just smile, laugh, and tell me it was all a big joke.  Sadly it never came.  You should've seen Kevin's face when I told him that sharpie's were permanent.  Honestly I should have taken a picture of that too.  Oh, the crazy things kids do!

After nearly scrubbing her skin off with a few diaper wipes it all lightened up; but it will take a few more times of scrubbing before it comes off.  Maybe Kevin being "all boy" isn't such a good thing.  As I type this I honestly can't believe that Kate fell for, "Stand here and close your eyes."  That's what he told her and she did it!  Sheesh!

And now for my own little April Fool's day fun.  I conspired with Justin to at some point in our casual text message conversation this afternoon to say that his company needed him to be in Minnesota permanently, instead of traveling back & forth.  Then, he happened to call me when we had all gotten home from school and while he was telling me about his day I asked him, "So when do they need you out there permanently?"  just loud enough for the kids to overhear.  (And then he was like, "What do you mean?"  "That was for the April Fools joke?"  and I was like "play along please!") 

So a few minutes after our phone call I sat the kids down and broke the news to them.  Kevin just started bawling and Kelly was sad that she would miss out on Advanced Drama at her school next year.  I just went on with things like, "Yeah, he needs to be out there in 2 weeks and you guys will finish out the school year before we go."  Insert more heartbroken sobs from Kevin. 

And then I exclaimed, "April Fools!!"  Kevin said, "What?! Oh thanks a lot!  You made me cry!" To my surprise Kelly was a little disappointed that we weren't moving, go figure!

Well, that's been my day.  I hope this April Fools day has found you happy and well.


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Ha ha that was awesome! (not the sharpie thing though)
I told Ellison that I was having another baby! You should have heard her on the phone with me! HA!
I then told the boys that we were getting another dog-a black, half blind pug!! They were not very happy about that!! I love April Fool's-as long as I am not the foolee!
Did you read my facebook status that day?
Go ahead ;0

kathy reese said...

So, you must be enrolled in parenting 505! Love you!