Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Arizona Day Two

Here's some more from our trip to Arizona. 

Another family tradition is hiking "A" mountain, at ASU.  The cousins love to discuss who will slide down the "A".

Randall, Glen, Kevin, Lou, Abby, Erin, Kate, Kelly, & Kenzie's back

Sorry, these pictures are out of order--oops!  Grandpa and Roxie are so patient as Kate and Kenzie join them for a walk.

Pre-Walk and proof that I was there, Grandma, Aunt Emily, Kate, Lou (bending over), Me, Kenzie and Abby.

Aunt Amy with the kids.  She's such a good sport and hiked all the way to the top with the kids while Grandma, Grandpa and I stayed at a lower lookout with Kenzie.  (I think Kevin was sneezing in this picture).

The Whole Gang!

Later that afternoon Grandma and Grandpa took all of us to the Legacy Country Club to go swimming.  Everyone had a great time!  Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Looks like you had a great time in Arizona. I really need a vacation.

Justin said...

Love to pool picture! (Wolf Whistle!)

Hubba Hubba!