Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Arizona Day Three

The Little Girls playing "puppies" with Grandpa

Kevin going through Grandpa's obstacle course.  He sets these up for the Grandkids regularly and they absolutely love it! 

Grandpa and the kiddos after the obstacle course.

Kevin, Glen, Lou and Kenzie came with me to the Tempe Historical Museum.  We were the only ones there and had such a great time.  It's right next to the library and totally free--bonus!

Glen and Lou

Kenzie loved the pink hat!

That evening we had a wonderful family dinner at Emily's house with Grandma T, Greatgrandma & Greatgrandpa Gardner and Uncle Phil.  This was a hard picture to take because it was completely dark and I had no idea where they were, or what they looked like.

It was great to see you Grandma T!  We love you!

1 comment:

Justin said...

I love the look on Roxy's face when K4 is playing puppies and eating off the floor! That is AWESOME!