Friday, April 15, 2011

Arizona--Last Day

Since this was our last day in Arizona we started with a family breakfast.

Kelly, Erin, & Glen

Lou & Abby

Sorry for the blurry picture.  We surprised Kevin with miniature cupcakes and a quick rendition of "Happy Birthday" as sort of a way to celebrate with the cousins.

A big Thank You to all of our Arizona Family!!! Thank you so much for your love and generosity, and all that you did to make our trip so wonderful!  We can not wait to come back.

Ok. I admit it. After we said our good-byes to the family, the kids and I headed into Phoenix to check out this great store.

It has an inviting and enjoyable ambience.  This was a definite splurge for us.  But I was all about just enjoying our trip.  They have a fun photo booth that we didn't try this time around, but will try to do it again sometime.

So many choices!!  Surprisingly I was the only one who picked out candy--salt water taffy.  They were at Kenzie's eye level and had these cute, red take-out boxes that you could fill with any and all flavors.  I think our favorites were red licorice and peach.  Kenzie also picked out a pink bubblegum lip smackers chapstick--which several hours later she decided to dig out with her fingers and smear all over her window.  Yeah, I won't do that again.

Kelly chose a package of gag trinkets, you know, like a hand buzzer, whoopie cushion (that had a hole in it :( ), snapping pack of gum, and disappearing ink, etc.  Kevin chose a yo-yo--which I think was the best purchase of all.  Kate chose a small kit with sparkly nail polish and lip gloss. (Shocker!!)  I also bought a chinese jump rope and three wooden tops that have cool designs painted on them that look even better when you spin them.  It's a great store to visit--but with so many things these days, it was a little pricey, so we won't do it every time.

It was a wonderful trip and I still can't believe that I drove all the way there and back by myself!  It may be silly, but I feel good knowing that I can physically do things like that.  My grandmother was legally blind and was never able to drive at all, so to me it feels like a big accomplishment that I could make that drive.  I also need to give some credit to my fantastic kids to put up with such a long, long drive.  Other than the chapstick on the window, (which I really should have known better), they did a wonderful job.


Alonna Randall said...

We sure loved having you here, Janet! Thanks for posting the fun pictures and news from your visit! Come back soon!!!

Delia said...

You are amazing Janet. I am amazed that you made that trip by yourself too. I hate driving long distances.

I so want to see that store too. Maybe if we all get together in AZ this summer we can take a trip there!

Kelly is such an awesome girl. I hope she passes some of what she did, off for personal progress! :) Sorry...I can't help it. Being a YW leader, I am often thinking about PP...and I know you must be too. It might go for good works?