Monday, April 11, 2011

A quick shout out to this great girl!

I feel horrible as I realized that I posted all about Kate's birthday and did not mention once what a huge help Kelly was in making it a success.  She baked not only one--but two cakes, because the first chocolate I had her use was too bitter.  Yes, that beautiful chocolate bundt cake you saw--she baked it!  Not only that, but she invited a good friend of hers and together they helped pass out materials and help the guests with their art projects.  Thank you so much Kelly!!  You are wonderful and I'm grateful to be your mom.  I love you!


Robyn said...

Kelly you are awesome! I know your mom appreciates all the help you give!!

Happy belated Birthday to Kate & Kevin.

Love reading about all of you!

kathy reese said...

You rock Kelly!

Nick said...

I'm not sure where I've been, but I just caught up on your whole trip to AZ! I'm so lame, and haven't been sending any cousin cards this year! So sorry, but please tell those kiddos that we love them and miss them and are so happy that they both had a great day. I love that Kevin has all of the exact same presents that JP does! And I can't believe he's already 10! Kelly is amazing and I got a little teary eyed at her thoughtful gift to her sister. We love you TX Randall cousins!

Nick said...

I also forgot to comment on the Flogging Molly picture. I'm so sad. They were in Vegas a month ago and I really wish we had money to fly down for the weekend. Someday I guess...

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Wow what a big help she was! Isn't it nice to have older children to help out at parties ;) ?
And that store you talked about...I wanna go!!!!!
And I'm going to the antique mall next Saturday the 23rd (that's the day before Easter) wanna come?
I'm also planning a trip over to the Goodwill. I'll call you that week to see if you're available ;)

Mom Teresa said...