Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pinewood Derby--The Final Chapter

Last month we enjoyed Kevin's final pinewood derby, as next year he will be in boy scouts!  With our busy schedules it was difficult this year and it was sort of down to the wire in getting Kevin's car ready.  A huge Thank You to our friend Tom P. who so generously gave up his time to help Justin and Kevin get his car completed.

Lined up pre-race.  You gotta love the neckerchief put on over the collar!  BTW Grandma T, that is the same shirt that Justin (& probably Glen) wore!

The ever important track placement.  Kevin named his car this year "The Golden Knight."  Anyone else hear dialogue in their mind from "Wild Hogs"? :)

These are the results from a different race than the above picture.  His car is on the rebound here, but you can see he finished first.  Way to go Kevin!

Well, I'm proud to say that Kevin finished his pinewood derby career by finishing first for the Webelos and first over all!  Congratulations Kevin!!  We are so proud of you!


Justin said...

Reading this post was my "best" for today. Thank you for taking the time to write something happy and positive. It gave me the list I needed this week.

Nick said...

We just had ours too and Bubba took 2nd overall for his last year. Fun stuff. Poor Kate. Tell her for me that broken bones are dumb. I hope she heals up quickly.

Mom Teresa said...

Wow! Way to go Kevin!! Justin, did you help him make his car?? I'm impressed. Seriously the same shirt!! I love it!! I think I still have some of Justin's cub and scout badges and pins. We need to look at my stash and see what you need to claim for posterity!! hey Janet, I have 13 more school days -- how about you??? We've almost made it through another year!! I'm heading to Mesa for Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to you!! I love you!