Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

"Daddy, I love you;"

"Daddy, I do."

"Father in Heaven has sent me to you."

"When I am near you, I love to hear you Singing so softly that you love me too."

Daddy, I love you; I love you, I do."
~ Lorin F. Wheelwright

We can't forget our Grandpas!! 

We love you Grandpa Randall!

We love you Papa Reese!

Happy Father's Day!


Nick said...

Happy Father's day to Justin and what a great tribute to a great dad. I'm going to steal it for my blog.
Okay so you look just like your mom in that picture! I love the face painting, how fun. And I don't blame Kenzie-clowns freak me out too!

Breanne said...

What a nice Father's Day idea.

Thanks for all your comments on my blog. Yes we are happy to be back in Texas. Wish it was a little cooler, but come Nov-March it will be nice not to be buried in the snow.

I do think that Charlie looks more like my side of the family. Adam's mom thinks he looks a lot like my dad, too.

I'll have to check out the other items besides just the diapers. I causally looked at toilet paper, but it looked cheaper to still buy it at Walmart to me. But it is nice to have the free delivery and like you said, not to have to have tired kids at the store.

rachel b said...

Love our daddies!!! Your kids have a great one!! Happy Fathers Day (belated of course)Justin!