Saturday, June 18, 2011

Company Picnic

Today was Justin's company picnic at Sandy Lake Amusement Park.  It was the first time that I would be meeting the people that he works with and to say that I was a little nervous would be an understatement.  I don't know why things like that make me so nervous.  I have never been very good at small talk.  Thankfully we have great kids that can make things like that much easier.  The first activity we visited--face painting.

When Kate decided to be a tiger I knew that she was outgrowing being a girly-girl.

Kenzie wasn't quite sure about "Boopsie" the clown.  Big sister Kelly came to the rescue.

There wasn't any hesitation once Kenzie knew that she could be painted like a princess.  I was trying to get her to look at me--oh well.

Although Kelly is almost 13, when I see her like this I am reassured that she's still a fun-loving kid at heart.

This wasn't exactly what Kevin had in mind when he asked for the Superman insignia on his cheek. 

He knew that he didn't want a full face paint because he'd already gotten this on his other cheek.

Dancin' the Cupid Shuffle.

Waiting for their song to start on the "Mocker Rocker".  They got to make their own music video complete with a take-home dvd.  They decided to do "The Gummi Bear" song.  I'll try and upload the video another time.  (Notice--no cast on Kate!  Hurray!)

Part of the picnic was unlimited rides all afternoon.  I forgot to mention how hot it was today!  I kept hearing the wicked witch's voice in my head, "I'm melting!  I'm melting!"  It was so hot!  We only lasted about an hour on the rides before we started to head for home.

Again, I was trying to get Kenzie to look at me.  What can I say?  She loved this ride.  When we tried to get her out she insisted on riding another time.

All in all it was a great day and everyone had a lot of fun.


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

You know we've lived here for 24 years and I've never been there? How crazy is that? I'll have to visit someday. Some "cool" day LOL
That Kenzie is going to be a heartbraker just sayin' ;)

rachel b said...

That is one CRAZY party!!! What an amazing face painter! It is almost as if there were real tigers jumping out of that ride thing! What did they paint your face as?? LOL! LOVE IT!

Delia said...

I don't love small talk either. It is kind of tiring..not in a snobby way...just work to figure out what in the world to say.

I love all the fun painted faces. What a nice company party!