Sunday, June 12, 2011

Memorial Weekend

I know, I'm totally behind.  This has been my first week off for summer and I'm doing a lot of catching up!  On Saturday and Monday we visited the beautiful Heard Museum.  There is a small indoor exhibit hall, but my favorite part are the miles of outdoor hiking trails to explore.

Kiddos pre-hike

This is an amazing Passion Flower.  They always fascinate me.

A random wild flower.  They were so beautiful and it just made me happy walking by and seeing them all.  It was one of those days where time just stood still and all you felt was happy.

We had such a good time that we went back on Monday and tried a different trail.  On the map they had marked a lightning tree.  When I saw this tree I thought for sure it was the one.

However, the plaque that Kate and Kenzie are sitting on says that this is the official lightning tree.  Pretty amazing!

This is one of the oldest and biggest trees at the Heard.  It was a sapling when the Declaration of Independence was signed.  That to me is completely amazing!  I can't help but think about how much the world has changed since then.

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