This is one of the pictures that Kelly took for my birthday power point. Thankfully, Kate is not back in a cast! Yes, Kenzie is in underpants and dress shoes. What can I say? It's summer and she's potty training. Actually she has done very well this week. For the first time in almost 13 years we won't be buying diapers! It's almost like Christmas!
Kevin started summer baseball this week. Since they didn't have enough coaches there's about 15 boys on his team. His first game is next week and I'm curious to see how they work things out. There are about half a dozen boys who've played regularly for a while and the rest are more beginners (including Kevin). His coaches are truly patient and positive, which is a relief. Now if we can just try to get Kevin to ease up on himself he might actually have a lot of fun.
Kenzie is finishing up a summer dance class this next week. She has had so much fun! I'll try to get a picture of her in her little pink leotard and dance shoes. She is so cute!
Kelly had a great time at girls camp and is doing her best to enjoy every minute of her summer. Thankfully she has some great friends from school and she's usually hanging out with them several times a week. She also had her first official babysitting job this week and absolutely loved it! She did a great job and is definitely looking forward to bringing in the babysitting cash.
Kate has loved going to the pool as much as possible. She has also gotten pretty adept at playing the drums on Lego Rock Band. She gets into it so much. The other night she said, "Mom! I just realized that Lego Rock Band is teaching me how to play the drums!" :)
Justin met with a friend of ours, who also happens to be a lawyer, to get some help in the matter of our car. It has been so ridiculous! We were stopped at a traffic light and rear-ended in April! They took forever to fix our car and when we finally got it back it still wasn't right and the service place messed something up so that our doors would not lock and our cd player wouldn't work. Not only that the money that they spent to fix it was more than 75% of the worth of the car in the first place! The insurance company (not ours the people who hit us) admitted that they should have just totalled the car but they didn't. So here we are with a car that's not right that we wouldn't ever really be able to sell or get anything for on a trade-in, and no real compensation for it! Thank you Justin for taking care of all this. I don't know if I'd be able to handle it.
I made it through day 19 of my 30 day program this morning. I'm still enjoying it, but I'm not going to lie--every morning I lay in bed and try to think of why I can just stay there and not get up to workout. As silly as it sounds I can just picture Jillian Michaels yelling at me to get up. I can't let her down! On the days that I'm not working out I try to run for about 30 minutes around town. I think I am quite possibly the slowest person out there. I'm pretty sure there are dog walkers faster than me, but I have to try. Actually, it's kind of funny because the first half of my run I feel fantastic! Like I could just run and run and run. Then on my way back my mantra is "I'm not going to walk. I'm not going to walk;" because that's all I really want to do! When I think about how bad I feel and that I just want to give up and stay doing what's easy and comfortable I just think about something that I heard last week on "Extreme Makeover--personal trainer edition." I can't even remember the trainer's name, but he was saying that when you feel that way, that's your body throwing a tantrum and if you keep listening to it you'll just stay the same you've always been. That's good enough for me to ignore the tantrum and keep pushing on.
I hope you've had a great week and did at least one thing that makes you happy!
Sorry to hear about the car drama. I hate those situations. Such a bother.
You are such a workout stud. I pushed myself too hard last week and my back went out. I was doing pretty well working out consistently for a couple of weeks until I did that, and now I am having a really hard time working out again! Sigh.
Love the update on your kids. Glad you are enjoying your summer. And yay for no diapers!
Love it! Hope you get the car situation cleared up quickly. Miss you but so excited to see you soon.
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