Sunday, February 19, 2012

Grateful for Walls & Favorite Famous Person Day

"Mom! Look what I can do!"

"I love this wall sooo much!  I'm so grateful for this wall!  If we didn't have this wall I would have anything in the whole house to hand upside down on !"

Sorry this picture is a little blurry--I was giggling.  Good thing we had this wall just so Kate could have something in our house to hang upside down on! 

Once a month the kids have had a different dress-up day.  When I got the paper about it at the beginning of the year I thought I would be organized and write them all down on the calendar.  So this month was 'Favorite Famous Person Day.'

Can you tell who they are?

Taylor Swift and James Bond

I didn't bother telling Kevin that James Bond was a fictional character and not a real person.  It just wasn't worth the argument.

I thought they looked great and was impressed that we came up with it the night before.  They love participating in these dress up days and were excited to go to school.

Sadly, this dress-up day had been cancelled and no one told us!!
Kevin was really mad that he spent the whole day at school in a suit.

Oh well.  If anything he learned that if something like that happens again he has the freedom to call me and I'd bring him something else to wear.

Good Times!


Mom said...

Kevin handsome as always. Kate, you are getting so tall! I love the pictures.

Delia said...

I would be bugged too Kevin! What a trooper. They looked great though.

Kate is seriously so adorable...even at 6.