Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quick Update

I can't believe it's been almost 10 days since my last post.  I've been sitting here racking my brain trying to remember what's been "happening." Well here's the best that I've got:

Kenzie:  Loves laughing! Her laugh is contagious and makes me focus on what's most important in this life, family, love, strengthening relationships.  It's turning warmer and all of the trees are beginning to bloom.  Kenzie loves to point out all the "popcorn trees," while we drive around running errands.  She talks about how she wishes she could "eat that popcorn off the trees."

Kate: My girlie-girl has decided that she doesn't like anything pink. She shares her older sisters affinity for skinny jeans and converse all stars--gray with purple laces thank you very much. She likes to read, but isn't motivated to do it which is tricky for me.  I still can't take her shopping with me because I will always end up spending more money than I need to.

Kevin: Just completed his science fair project--totally easy. He tested different paper airplanes made with different weights of paper to see which combination would fly the best.  Thankfully we have a key to the church building because we just went over on a Saturday morning to use the gym--that way no wind.  He recorded his results and Justin helped him put it into a spreadsheet--done!  I hope that it will satisfy the requirements. His teacher was out on maternity leave when they were chosen so her sub okay'd it. He recently earned his Webelos badge and is getting ready to earn his Arrow of Light and pass over into Boy Scouts. For some reason I can't help but feel a little giddy at the thought of leaving Cub Scouts behind.

Kelly:  Is finally taller than me, the reality of which makes her very happy. She takes every opportunity to stand up next to me and "measure" with her hand while she smiles and giggles and tells everyone how happy she is that she is taller than me.  It's funny because it doesn't upset me in the least, so I'm not sure why she behaves this way.  She is getting ready for an upcoming One Act Drama competition, and an additional one act performance that she is in charge of all the sound.  She's kind of gotten over the fact that her drama teacher keeps type-casting her because she is taller than everyone else and her hair is shorter than everyone else's--(but I'm not.  I can't wait for this year to be over and for her to have other opportunities with other teachers). She's getting ready for an upcoming Pioneer trek this spring break.  Despite all the walking she will do I think she is looking forward to it.

Justin: Is busy with work. He is traveling quite a bit. He says he doesn't like being away from family, but he loves being productive and making things happen on-sight.  That's about all I can comment on that. Since my schedule has changed it has gotten much easier when he is gone, but it's still not my favorite.  He gets a lot of use out of his new workout tower that he built when he is home.  I have to say that I love our little workout gym in the garage.  Call me crazy but I love having all of that stuff and using it when I can.

Me: I'm thoroughly loving being a personal trainer with Texas Fit Chicks.  We will be releasing a new website soon I hope with updated pictures and little video clips of our workouts, so be on the lookout.  Even though I get up pretty early to do it, I have such a great time and get to work with a fantastic group of women.  I feel very grateful to be able to do what I do and then stay home with Kenzie during the day.  Like everyone else, I still need to find balance and make sure that I'm spending time with her and not just staying on the computer or sewing--but all in all, I feel very blessed.  Yes I have been sewing more lately.  I'm sad that I don't have any pictures.  Mostly I've been making reversible headbands for me and my girls; adorable corduroy caps for friends having babies; I've made one baby blanket and decided that I will never make them again.  I'd much rather stick to clothes. I'm making skirts for Kelly to wear on her upcoming pioneer trek and have stacks of material for cute reversible wrap dresses for my girls and a few other projects.  Sometimes I dream about going away for a weekend just so I can sew!  Yes, I am totally crazy, I know.

O.k. so this wasn't as quick as I thought it would be. Sorry. I hope you enjoyed it anyway!


Delia said...

Love the update.

Kevin's science fair project sounds so fun!

Sorry that Justin has had to be away so much.

It's hard to have them away, help wise, but I also just hate worrying that we're apart when Jared's away too. I feel so much more peace when we are all together in the same house. So I feel for you!

Sounds like you are making some fun things. Maybe we can get away together to sew! :) HOw nice would that be?

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

I'm glad you are enjoying your new job! Wish I could get up that early and work out. But,nope, not gonna happen lol!! How fun to sew!! I thought about buying one of those fancy computerized sewing machines that embroiders the other day, but then I remembered I don't know how to sew :( Do you think that if I just told it what to do it could do it for me? ;)