Sunday, June 3, 2012

Capturing Kelly

Since this was Kelly's last year in Middle School her choir teacher asked for two pictures to use in a slide show presentation for their last concert. One picture was to be a baby picture and the other was to be a current picture.  Well, when Kelly knows she's getting her picture taken, she, like her dad, has a hard time giving a natural looking smile.  In an effort to make this easier for her I asked her to just talk to me; to tell me about whatever she wanted to. Then I would take as many pictures as I wanted and hopefully at some point I would be able to capture the real Kelly.  This was such a fun project and those of you who really know Kelly know that she can talk.....a lot!  Below are most of the pictures that I took.  Because I put them into collages some were cropped a little. I promise that I didn't take a bunch of pictures with the top of her head cut off. :)

After seeing most of these, she decided it was worth changing her clothes. Below are the two pictures that we submitted for the slide show.

This was when Kelly was 7 months old and life was much simpler.  I totally miss those days!

Here is our beautiful Kelly. She is getting so grown up! She is most definitely looking forward to High School next year. We are so proud of her and know that she will accomplish great things.

We love you Kelly!


Justin said...

GREAT POST! Thank you for updating your BLOG, I love to read it!

Your #1 Fan

Mom said...

I remember that wonderful baby face! What a beautiful girl. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Kelly is all grown up. I remember meeting her for the first time following my mission. That was the Summer of 2000. Man it blows my mind to think of all that has happened from that day to today.

Congrats to Kelly! In the H.S. games I am pretty sure the odds will ever be in your favor (just finished book two).


Mom Teresa said...

Great idea for getting natural expressions in photos!!! And what a delightful subject!!! I love the two you selected --- they're breathtaking!!