Thursday, January 5, 2012

On the Horizon

With the beginning of a new year there are a few changes going on around our house.  The biggest news of course is that I am no longer working full time--Hurray!  I am going to be the newest Texas Fit Chicks Personal Trainer--double Hurray!  I will officially take over one of the local Boot Camps in February.  Until then I am furiously working on renewing my certification and learning about the business side of personal training.  It is very exciting! My Boot Camp will be Mon/Wed/Fri mornings at 5:30am.  Yes, it's very early, but then I have the rest of the day to be with my family.  This is something that I have been wanting to do for two years and now that it's actually happening I can hardly believe it!

Once I get that squared away I have all kinds of things I want to do: sewing projects to create, parts of my house I want to deep clean and organize, activities and recipes I want to try.  If I try to think about it all at once I get too overwhelmed.  

Kate won the "Principal's Award" at school today.  This award is for someone who works hard, is kind and is a leader by example.  We are so proud of her! (It probably would have been nice if I had removed the restaurant gift certificate so you could have actually seen the award, but oh well). She was so surprised to 1) see me at school, and 2) to receive this award.  She didn't know she was getting it.  

As you can see, she still has her own sense of style.  Her t-shirt is the school shirt for this year.  They want the kids to wear them when they have these awards assemblies. She has gone from being my "girly-girl" to more of a tomboy, but I'm not worried.  She just loves to roll up her pants these days and can't go anywhere without her Chuck Taylor high tops.

I literally had to wrestle Kenzie into these clothes this morning.  It was one of those times where we had approximately 2 minutes to get ready and get out the door and she insisted on wearing what she calls "short pants" even though it was 40 degrees outside.  She also kicked and screamed when I hurriedly put her hair in a pony tail.  When I helped her take her coat off after we got there she whispered, "I hate my clothes." As soon as we got home she took out her pony tail, took off her clothes and got back into her pj's. We are still adjusting to being at home together.  I need to be better at setting up a routine.  It's weird to think that you would forget what it's like to be home, but you sort of do. Until  we get our rhythm down, I'll be content to enjoy snuggling and giggling with her--which is what I am doing right now as she tries to touch all the buttons on the keyboard.


Anonymous said...

janet, is so love your blogs. they lift my day, and keep me connected with you and the kids. don't stop. i need them. i don't know when i will next see you or the family in person. dad

Delia said...

Boy...can I relate to the getting your 3 year old dressed and out of the house trouble. Reid is in a phase where he would rather stay in PJ's all day and stay home. It drives me crazy. :) Especially when I do too, but we *have* to go to the store and run errands.

Good job to Kate. What a cute girl. She looks so grown.

And yay for you. I am so excited for you to be doing something you love.