Friday, February 27, 2009

Handsome Boys!

K2 had a great opportunity for a Father/son motorcycle outing with another family in our ward last Saturday. Actually we were all invited to go, however, K3 and K4 were still pretty sick and K1 wasn't totally thrilled about going and opted to spend some time with her cousin instead. We were so grateful that some friends of ours had all of the child-sized gear for K2 to borrow. They had such a great time! K2 absolutely loved it and can't wait to go again! They also had the chance to ride some quads together and J Mark Jr was teaching K2 about how to use the throttle and steer. For the most part he did pretty well, once he realized he didn't have to gun it to get moving! One time K2 took a ride with the mom of the other family they went with, and he informed her that his Dad let's him do the gas and steer--and she believed him! Thankfully she managed to stay on the quad with Kevin at the controls. All in all, it was a great way to spend the Saturday.


Jared and Delia said...

How fun! Kevin looks way spiffy in his gear. That is nice they had stuff in his size.

Nick said...

So cute! We love motorcycles in our house too. Spence got one for his birthday 2 yrs. ago and Jacks got a 4 wheeler for his that same year. They have so much fun going with dad. What little boy wouldn't?

Nick said...

Okay, so I just read your last post too. I will NOT miss the mess part either! I have come up with a laundry solution that works really well if you stick to it, which I'm still working on. So, Monday I do whites, Tues-colors, Wed-darks, Thurs-towels, bedding. If you just do one color a day you can get it all washed, dryed and folded and put away. It makes it so it's not so overwhelming. I still need to be more consistent because now my room looks like yours, but when I stick to it, it's great!

Jeremy Price said...

We are definately going to have to get the boys together and have a motorcycle outing!!