Friday, July 31, 2009

Saying Goodbye

No, we are NOT saying goodbye to Justin....Thank Goodness! Justin decided to sell his motorcyles last week. Within a few days of posting them on Craig's List they were gone.

His Kawasaki went first. My heart is aching for him. I know that he loved these motorcyles and enjoyed riding them so much.

I am so proud of him. He is such an amazing husband and father. I am grateful that he honors his priesthood. He is truly a blessing in my life.

Our bishop in Mesa had this little saying, "Big Boys do hard things." I think this definitely counts. I am reminded of a line in my favorite version of Peter Pan. Mrs. Darling is talking with her children before she and Mr. Darling go out for the evening. Of course they don't want her to go and try to persuade her to stay and just let their father go without her. She goes on to tell them how brave their father is, etc. which they don't believe that their father is brave at all. They just see someone who works all the time. What they don't realize is that he is working so hard for them, and is only going to this party with hopes that it will help his career. We all know that he's really doing it to make life better for his family. Anyway, Mrs. Darling tells them, "There are different kinds of bravery." That is the way I feel about Justin selling his motorcycles.

Goodbye fun motorcyles! We will ALL miss you!


Nick said...

Oh no, not the dirt bike! So very sad. B still gets a little misty when we talk about his white Toyota truck that he had when we dated and first got married. I can't even remember why we sold it. There are some sad things for men to have to do and selling guy stuff is one of them:(

Jared and Delia said...

Sadness! That IS really brave of Justin.

David and Stacey said...

wow...I mean wow...that is really big. i hope you all survive this sadness, I have a felling you will. One Christmas we were broke and David sold his last gun to pay bills, it was sad, but times are better and now has 15 guns yippee! (really like I care) what I am trying to say is someday you will have 15 motorcycles in your driveway! bet you can't wait for that day!