Thursday, March 18, 2010


Independence....It's one of the hardest things to "teach," but really one of the most important.  Oh, if you only knew how hard this is for your Mom!  If you only knew that I have to sort of just emotionally leave the situation and just go to a happy place when you were little and we just snuggled.  You looked to me for your every need and I gladly did anything and everything that I could do for you.

Well, now I am doing this for you too.  So that you will know how to take care of yourself.  So that you will discover your hidden talents and things that you like to do.  Kevin loves to cook things for himself.  He asks to do it often.  Sometimes more than once a day.  Kelly is also growing up and proving herself responsible to take care of herself and her brother and sisters.  I am so proud of you!  I love you! ~Mom

P.S.  He did not burn himself and he successfully made a grilled-cheese sandwich for himself and his sister Kate!


Delia said...

What a stud! This is definitely much harder on mom than they will ever know...that is until they have kids. I have to remind myself to encourage Owen to do things himself OFTEN. I just want to jump in and do it for him.

What a sweet boy Kevin is! Is he liking Karate?...that is a karate gi that he is wearing right?

Nick said...

Yay! How big. I guess I should start letting my older boys do things like this. I've decided that as hard as it will be for an anal person like me, I'm going to start making them clean their own toilet. My mom always did EVERYTHING for my brothers and sister. My sister didn't know how to do anything when she moved in with us at 18. I had to teach her how to do laundry. She barely taught my brothers how to iron, laundry, cook right before they left on their missions. She was definitely not doing us any favors. So thanks for the tip that I should start already. You're an awesome mom.