Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Having Fun with Grandma T

{Kate Trying on Grandma's Glasses}

Justin's Mom, lovingly known as Grandma T, came to visit us this past weekend.   We had such a great time!  She was a good sport and braved the humidity while we took her to the neighborhood pool, the Dallas Arboretum, and even a cook out at Erwin Park for s'mores.

Checking out one of the many koi ponds at the Arboretum.

Our favorite Toad Corner Fountains were closed for repairs!!  We were all sad about that as it was sooo hot and humid!  Thankfully the kids were able to enjoy playing in this "water wall" and cool off a little.

Kelly snapped this picture of Grandma T.

The light is not the best on this picture.  I get so caught up in just taking the picture and getting it on the computer that I forget to edit and adjust things like light etc.  It was really great getting everyone together for a quick family picture.  Most of the time it's just the kids.

The kids had a blast playing game after game with Grandma T.  Here they are getting ready to play the candy bar game.  I love how Kate is wearing her swimsuit-yes, now that it's summer it's hard to get her to wear anything else!  Not to mention that she has socks on her feet and her hands. :)

The candy bar game is a tradition in Justin's family.  If you've never played it, you should, it is so funny!  You need two dice, a box lid or shoebox to roll the dice into.  A clean pair of socks and a candy bar of course!

Everyone takes turns rolling the dice.  We started out with you had to roll double sixes, but then changed it to any time you got doubles you had to put the socks on your hands, unwrap the candy bar and you got to take as many bites as you could until the next person rolled doubles.    Once someone else got doubles you had to put down the candy bar, take the socks off and give them to that person, while they quickly put the socks on and began to bite the candy bar--all while the other players continue to roll the dice.  So you keep rolling the dice around the circle--the quicker the better, and the funnier.  The faster you go the more opportunity you'll get to bite the candy bar.  It was really fun to play and watch!  I suggest you either have a really big candy bar, or more than one if you want to play very long.  Sadly, the candy bar and the game were over pretty quickly.  Well, and so was the weekend.

Thanks Grandma T for a wonderful weekend!


Nick said...

I used to love to wear my gramma's glasses and try to walk down the hallway. It always looked like my legs were short. Fun game! We'll have to steal that one. Although, one candy bar would definitely not be enough for my sweet tooth kids. :)

Robyn said...

Love the family picture!! The "candy bar" game sounds like a lot of fun. Not sure if the girls would actually eat after each other but it does sound like fun!!

Looks like you all had a great weekend!!

Delia said...

That game sounds like a family game. :) Glad you had such a fun weekend with Grandma T.

Shauna said...

Can I say how beautiful you are!?!?!
That family picture with everyone is really great!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say Ditto to the last post! You are a Foxy Mom! And your Husband has got some GUNS! He must workout!