Thursday, October 7, 2010

Keeping it Simple

1).!  Last night I didn't crawl into bed until about 12:30 a.m., ugh!  It didn't help that Kate woke up at 2:20 needing a drink.  She will come to my side of the bed and put her face right next to mine--so when I wake up I have to jump back a little.  Good times.  The "night" got even better when I was awaken at 3:45 by Kenzie saying, "Mom.  Mom.  Mom!"  When I groggily stumbled into her room she said to me, "Kate's not sharing!"  Are you kidding me?!  What she eventually expressed to me was that she too needed a drink and that Kate wasn't sharing her drink from bedtime.  Lucky me.

Moving on.

2).  This is truly a fabulous time of year to be in Texas.  The mornings and evenings get down to the low 50's, just so you need a little jacket.  However the days are clear skies and beautifully sunny, warming up to the low 80's.  I love it!

3).  Bowling practice for the upcoming Special Olympics today.  It was, for the most part a lot of fun.  Every day I have greater respect for parents with special needs children.  They are amazing!

4).  Jeans day at work tomorrow.  No ironing tonight!  You would think it was Christmas with how happy that makes me!

5).  Once again it is that time of year where I am extremely tempted by the Scholastic Book Orders.  This is Kate's first year to really understand what those are.  I felt so bad telling her that we would order some next month because I had already tossed Kevin's--plus, you can't beat the free books from the library.  I am a sucker for new books though.  I love books!  If you ever wonder what to get me--new books!  Especially children's picture books.  My dream house would definitely have a library in it.  And, next to my amazing kitchen, (it's a dream house), it would be my favorite room.


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Yes this IS a great time to live in our area :) and I had to laugh at the jumping back a little with the kid right in your face in the middle of the night. Has happened to me more than once LOL
And I heart books too :)
Hurray for Jean Day. Us working moms live for Fridays ;)

Delia said...

ISn't Fall such a mood lift? I love it. Your weather sounds similar to ours, but we get a lot of rain - or have been- and it has been slightly cooler.

Sorry you had a rough nights sleep. Do you get to sleep in on Sat. mornings?