Sunday, October 17, 2010


I think my first reaction is, "Is it weird that we have basically the same haircut?"  But honestly, I think it's kind of cool.  We can't help it that we have fine hair, which kind of limits what styles look good.  Kelly is lucky, because although she doesn't like it, her hair is curly and she could get away with longer styles than I can.  As much as I would love to have long, luscious, Pantene-commercial-worthy hair--it's just not going to happen.  Kelly's perspective is one that she has no interest in wasting spending time styling your hair everyday.  She wants nothing to do with hair clips, headbands, pony tails, etc., etc., etc.  (Who can blame her?!) ;)  Thankfully, Kelly likes that our haircuts are the same too.  That's pretty good considering that she's basically a teenager these days.  I'll hold onto anything that means we're friends for as long as I can.


pianogal said...

Love your haircuts! They really fit both of you.

Delia said...

So cute! I love that you have the same cut and that Kelly likes it too. I really like that hair style a lot. I have wanted to cut my hair like that but I don't think it would ever look that good.

You guys are babes! :)

Mom said...

2 gorgeous babes! Each different but each stunning!

Nick said...

Too cute! My mom was annoyed when I was younger because the most exotic I got with my hair was a "side" ponytail. :) I really shouldn't wait so long to read your posts. Bubba has that John Denver song on his MP3! I love it when they like your old music. I want to do a boot camp but am afraid I'll suck at it and fall behind. And I DEFINITELY think your're Wonder Woman with all that you do for your family!

Anonymous said...

Janet is a Super Hero and I finally have proof!

Breanne said...

Cute hair cuts!

We'll be back in school, hopefully in North Carolina, but we'll see. Adam's applying there and then to UT and A&M for his PhD.