Saturday, November 27, 2010


Dessert #1: Pumpkin Cheesecake

Dessert #2 Pumpkin Pie--it doesn't look like much, but it tasted amazing!

Dessert #3 & #4:  Cranberry Apple Pie and Tapioca Pudding (Justin's contribution)

We celebrated with some great friends and were in charge of desserts and couple sides, which worked great for me because I feel like I'm best at making desserts.  They were sooooo good and I had a great time making them.

Kenzie just opted for a bowl of fresh whipped cream for her dessert.  I couldn't resist taking these pictures.

After eating our fill and then some, we got the kids together to make gingerbread houses.  This year we opted for using graham crackers and I have to say it was great!  It took so much of the stress out of this fun holiday activity.  The kids had a great time and the results were fun to see.

Here are some of the finished products.

Of course as soon as we got home our kids have begged to eat their houses--you would think that we never let them eat candy or sweets which is a huge misconception!  So of course, by now, two days later their houses are in ruins and mostly eaten.  Oh well. 

The top 5 things that I am thankful for in no particular order:

1.  My amazing husband and beautiful children.
2.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ and his eternal plan of salvation
3.  Paid Time Off!!
4.  Great food and amazing friends to celebrate with
5.  Cold Medicine--yes, I'm still fighting a cold, but with the extra rest I'm hoping to turn a corner and finally start feeling like myself again.


Delia said...

Oooh...wish I could have had a slice of that pumpkin cheesecake! Yum!

Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. I hope you get better soon!

Nick said...

I love Kenzie's piggy tails. Too cute. Sounds like a great holiday. Get better soon. Being a sick mom is the pits.

Robyn said...

I agree the pumpkin cheesecake looks and sounds delicious!

Happy belated Thanksgiving to all of you. Hope you are feeling better soon!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

What a great time! Thank you so much for coming to Aaron's baptism. We love your family :)

pianogal said...

We are thankful for you guys! We love your family!