Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Family Dinner

This is a glimpse into some of the conversation that I heard last night at dinner:

        Kevin:  "Kenzie, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

        Kenzie:  "A Princess!"

        Kelly:  "What will you buy when you are a princess?

        Kenzie:  "Pink Bubblegum!"


Nick said...

Kevin looks so big now! How time flys. I want some sparkly shoes! How fun to be a little girl. I love that Kelly loves to read so much! My kind of girl. Glad you had a happy Christmas.

Jared said...

That is so hilarious! Kids say the best things and can quickly add a laugh and lighten a stressful day.

It looks like you guys had a fun Christmas, sorry we didn't get a call out to you.

Delia and I remember some great times when we stayed with you for Christmas (playing Wii games with you and Justin and watching "Amer. Graffiti") It was one of the best AZ trips we took.