Friday, December 10, 2010

Thank Goodness for Fridays!

I am in such a good mood today.  It's Friday, I get to wear jeans to work, (no ironing), it's the beginning of the weekend, what's not to love?!

Also, I'm just getting really excited for Christmas.  We are going to have a visit from some special people tonight that will be a total surprise for my kids.  I am so excited!  I will post more about this after I've taken some pictures.

Plus I have some great plans for teacher gifts--a first for me, and I'm planning on doing some holiday baking this weekend.

It's all good!


Delia said...

Yay...I am so glad you are feeling better!

I hope you share your teacher gift idea. I would love some help in the teacher gift area. We have one thing but it is small. I need to supplement it.

Have fun with your visitors. Can't wait to find out who it is!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

YAY For Fridays! We live for them don't we? Hope to see you guys at the Christmas Party tomorrow!!

Mom Teresa said...

My Fridays come Thursday!! We have a 4 day week but they are really looong days!! So who was your surprise guest visit?? My favorite teacher gifts have been plants, of course, but the students decorated the pots! One said, in the students' handwriting "Thank you for helping me grow" and the other wrote an acrostic poem:
Great Gardener
Those gifts are keepers!!