Thursday, March 31, 2011

Arizona Day One

We had tossed around the idea of going to Arizona for spring break and after going back and forth, knowing we were taking the Austin trip, we just decided on the Friday night before spring break to go ahead and go--talk about adventure!  It's at least a 17 hour drive, one way and Justin would be out of town on business that week and wouldn't be able to go.


  Well, we left Texas around 4pm and just drove through the night.  I've decided that if I have to take a long road trip with just the kids again that is a good way to go.  They sleep for a long portion of it, there's less traffic and all construction is stopped for the night.  The small sacrifice of no sleep is worth the mostly quiet car ride.  And let's be honest--I only sleep 6 hours just about every night, if I'm lucky, so one "5 hour energy" drink and I was good to go.  (BTW if you've never tried one they taste horrible!  Some kind of combination of cough syrup and that horrible drink they make you take to do the glucose test when you're pregnant.  Seriously disgusting).

Kelly with Randall & Erin--they don't look alike or anything!

And now a quick letter.

Dear Moby,

 Thank you for creating and releasing your "Play" CD.  It was a complete lifesaver on my marathon road trip.  I'm especially thankful for tracks #3, 4, 6, 14, and 15.  I played them over, and over all night long both ways to help soothe my children and keep them asleep.  I will always be grateful!



It's breakfast at Grandma & Grandpa's house.  Lexi, Kevin, & Glen --we love you guys!

Kenzie & Abby who watched over and cared for Kenzie so well.  Kenzie loved all the special attention.

Do you see that delicious little morsel in Kenzie's hand?  That is one of the best tasting oranges, fresh off the tree.  You can't buy oranges that taste that good.  It was one of the many wonderful things about our trip.

Me with Grandpa and Kate.  Yeah, this was pre-shower and nap folks,.....cute.

So we arrived in Arizona at 9:30 am Texas time, or 7:30 am Arizona time--not too bad.  We had to make one more pit-stop right before we got there at a rest area outside of Casa Grande.  Kate looked around at all of the Palo Verde trees and exclaimed, "Mom!  Look at that tree's skin!  It's green!"  She said with a happy excitement in her voice, like "Isn't it wonderful?!"

Kenzie and Lexi--I love this picture!

It was such a wonderful feeling to get into town and drive down familiar streets.  The happiness we all felt as we turned into their neighborhood was bubbling over.  It was such a great feeling!  I should mention here that it has been almost two years since we've been back.  This visit was long over due.

Kenzie, Kate, and Lou

Kevin, Glen, James, & Satchel--what's a family get together without a few games?

Roxie, Grandpa, & Kate

Most of the gang; our family, Amy's family, Emily's family, Grandma & Grandpa, & Jared--notice I'm a showered and a little rested in this picture.

One family tradition is playing kickball at the park.  It was so much fun!  Thank you so much Lexi for keeping an eye on Kenzie for us--it was a huge help!  I think everyone had a great time-especially my team because we won! ;)

Kelly, Erin, Kevin, Glen, Abby, Kate, & Lou riding in Grandpa's truck

This was just the first day for us, be watching for more posts about the rest of our week.  I want to say a quick thank you to Justin's S'Mom Alonna--thank you so much for sharing your pictures with me, especially this first day when I was still a little out of it from the drive.


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

How fun! And riding in the back of a pickup...well that just brings back memories :)

And KICKBALL!!!!! (that's pretty much the only sport I don't suck at)

Wow I think that I would be in hog heaven with your family :)

Robyn said...

I am so glad you guys got the opportunity to go back to Arizona! I hear you about long car drives ... haven't tried the energy drink before, you make it sound so wonderful.

Have an awesome time with your family. Love all the pictures.

Sarah said...

Ahh I remember those marathon driving trips from Texas to Arizona! Next time you decided to make one, take a detour and come visit before you head to the valley of the sun. We would LOVE to see you!!