Friday, March 4, 2011

Life According to Kate

I found myself at home yesterday with my two little ones while Kate got over a 24 hour stomach bug.  And as Kate began to feel better she kept saying things that made me smile, and think.  Here's a few gems that I remembered to write down.

"I love that 12 is a big number.  If it was a little number I would be sad."

"I love how Heavenly Father picked robin's eggs to be blue!"

"How can I un-think bed bugs?  That's going to be hard."  (Apparently she is tormented every night by these colorful things 'that only kids see' that to her represent bed bugs.  Hmmm.  I was trying to tell her that her mind was more powerful and she could think about other things.)

"I miss a lot of things from my old life."  (When you move as much as we have, you have yard sales and get rid of stuff and she was remember old toys that she used to have.  I know I should feel guilty, but she has so much stuff now I do not).

Enjoy & Have a Great Day!


kathy reese said...

What a great girl! I miss things from my old life too--namely Kate! (and justin and janet and kelly and kevin and kenzie)

Delia said...

Seriously, Kate is one witty, cute, lovable girl.

Nick said...

Such cute things for a young mind to think up. Peanut keeps seeing wolves at night, so I keep telling him all the fun things that he can picture in his mind instead. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.