Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Not My Best Week

Well, actually things started on Saturday when we were rear-ended.  Yeah.  I have pictures, but will post them later.  We had worked things out to take the kids to the Arboretum, but then changed our minds that morning because we had so many errands to run.  Later that day we couldn't help but think and say, "We should have just gone to the Arboretum!!"  So my neck and back are killing me and I was finally able to get an appointment for the chiropractor tomorrow afternoon.  I can't wait!

Because our car was messed up I was driving Justin's old, old, old, Toyota Previa Van, which he had neglected to get an updated inspection.  The way it works in Texas is that your license plate tags are actually stickers inside your windshield.  Anyway, after dropping off all of my kids, while I was on my way to work I got pulled over, for an expired inspection.  :(  To add insult to injury, we hadn't printed off a current insurance form and I still have my Arizona Drivers License. Double :(.

Then, last night I helped out at our women's group, called Relief Society, meeting.  It was all about nutrition and unfortunately, I don't even know how to say what I'm thinking and feeling.  Long story short, if I had known exactly what the plan was for the meeting, I would have put different information together.  My part ended up, well I feel like I looked ridiculous!  I wish I could call everyone who was there so I could explain why my stuff was the way it was!  Ugh!  Does that make sense?  I know it's not such a big deal, but I have been replaying the whole thing in my mind all night and this morning and I am having a hard time letting it go. Ridiculous!!

One more thing--maybe the cherry on top.  While I was rushing my little girls through a bath last night, after we got home from the meeting, Kate says to me, "Mom, you're like Lotso Bear [from Toy Story 3]."  I asked her how I was like Lotso Bear and she says, "Well, you're mad a lot."  Great.  Even now that makes me feel horrible.  I realize that most of our time spent together is filled with fast and furious directions and rushing out the door, or rushing to baths and rushing to bed.  That is not the impression that I want to leave on my children--that I'm "mad a lot."  Hmmmm. 

Anyway, I hope your week is going better than mine and I hope that my week turns around right now!  I have a new plan.  I've decided to just believe that every day is Friday, no matter what and see if that will motivate me to find some happiness somewhere!


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Lotso Bear HA HA That cracks me up. But, hey, do you smell like berries??? :)

And you did fine on Tuesday night. We all learned something new. Don't sweat the small stuff.
And bummer on the rear ending and the sticker.I HATE getting the inspection stickers HATE IT!!!!!!
I KNOW it's just a racket here in Texas to get them EVERY flippin' year. It's just so that the state gets some additional revenue.
Hope you have a great weekend. It's EASTERRRRRRRRR :)

Anonymous said...

Your Husband must be a deadbeat! Not getting the inspection done on his car! In texas, we have a word for people like that. "Criminal!"