Friday, April 13, 2012

Japanese Knot Bag

To say life has been a little crazy lately would be an understatement.  A few weeks ago a friend told me about a boot camp that she's getting involved in and immediately I realized that is where I wanted to be too.  As much as I have enjoyed Texas Fit Chicks, as a business model it's not great and I have ended up spending money to do it instead of making money.  Yes. It has been an expensive lesson. But thankfully I have learned it quickly and I'm grateful for my friend telling me about the new camp, Camp Gladiator.  So at this point I'm burning the candle at both ends, doing Texas Fit Chicks 3 days a week and Camp Gladiator as often as I can, (sometimes twice a day and on my off days), in between juggling family and church responsibilities.  Not to mention two birthdays and Easter all within a couple of weeks of each other!   So forgive me for not posting more often.  

Anyway I did have some time before all the craziness to make this really cute purse for a birthday gift for one of Kelly's friends. It's called a Japanese Knot Bag and I found the tutorial through Pink Chalk Fabrics, but try as I might I couldn't find the original tutorial, so I will have to make another one and do my own tutorial.  But we all know that probably won't happen for another 6 months! :)  The way it works is you slide the shorter handle down over the taller one and hang the taller one on your hand or wrist.  So cute!  I can't wait to make one for me!

You can't really tell but this is a beautiful royal purple.  I need to do better at my photo-editing skills so you could see the true color.  This was a great project that took me a few hours the morning of the party.  The best part was that I had all the fabric and supplies so it didn't cost me anything!

Don't lose hope for me yet, other posts to follow: Family trip to the Dallas World Aquarium, Kenzie's imaginative play time, Kate's birthday & a few pictures of the guinea pigs.

1 comment:

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Wow that is really cool! I really need to learn how to sew and in fact I will be taking a sewing class at Joann's soon. Yay!! I may need some of your help as I tackle my first few projects.